As a proof of concept at Slalom, I created a 3d shoe configurator web application using three.js.
Thanks for checking out my site – I’m glad you’re here to learn a bit more about me. I’m Evan, I do a lot of film, animation, and engineering. I’d say I’m someone who loves creating things. When I can’t find exactly what I’m looking for (or when it costs more than I’m prepared to spend), I tend to dive down pretty deep rabbit holes, spending months learning everything I can about a subject until I can build it myself. As a kid I preferred fixing and repurposing things, rather than getting new ones, which has led to my passion for making stuff.
This maker mindset started pretty early – Growing up I was always running around with my dad’s 3 megapixel camera, right around the time consumer point-and-shoots were getting the ability to capture digital video. It was super low res and didn’t have audio, with a recording limit of 1 minute, but making DIY action movies with friends and adding muzzle flashes and lightsaber effects in Sony Vegas was what I liked to do after school. Those early experiments led me through years of creative exploration, from stick figure animations on Newgrounds to 3D animation at Pratt Institute, where I discovered just how deep the digital creative well goes. These days, I work as an animator, motion designer, and video producer, having had the opportunity to create for brands like Instagram and Adult Swim, as well as Broadway shows like Hamilton and Hadestown.
I also love to work at the boundaries where creativity meets technology – whether that’s creating electronic instruments, custom camera systems, or LED controllers using microcontrollers and code. For me, it’s all about finding those unexpected connections and using them to create something unique.
As a proof of concept at Slalom, I created a 3d shoe configurator web application using three.js.
Wanting to take tintypes, I purchased a Graphlex field camera which has been an incredible journey into large-format photography.
Working with Hybrid Hookah's, a bespoke hookah manufacturer in New Jersey, I created a customized LED base for their glass hookahs using WS2812B LEDs and an ESP32, as well as a 3d printed enclosure built in Fusion 360.
After playing with the Nishika and Nimslo 3d cameras from the 80s and 90s, I noticed there were no digital cameras that could do the same thing. I built this using Arducam camera modules and a Raspberry Pi to create a 3d photograph taking camera.
Utilizing CAD, 3D printing, and electrical engineering, I created a small miniature Keurig that talks and blinks a LED to accompany a video about smart appliances.